Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

June 30, 2024

Ep. 234 - (LO #20) Life Lesson #20.

(LO #20). Life Lesson #20. wisdom each day; to request from Hashem wisdom; using every Torah concept and apply it to our personal lives;...



Episode cover

June 26, 2024

Ep. 233 - (BPW #76) Acknowledging your husband's presence; support him in public situations; being timely.

(BPW #76). acknowledging your husband's presence; support him in public situations; being timely; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to...



Episode cover

June 23, 2024

Ep. 232 - (EX #32) Alot to be said about this subject. Alot of this is a challenge for many and holds us back from serving Hashem with joy. (Rav Cahan)

(EX #32). Alot to be said about this subject. Alot of this is a challenge for many and holds us back from serving Hashem...



Episode cover

June 19, 2024

Ep. 231 - (EX #31) When is Self-Criticism Too Much (Julie Hartman)

(EX #31). When is Self-Criticism Too Much Julie Hartman Julie interviews Nancy Colier, author of Can't Stop Thinking: How to Let Go of Anxiety...



Episode cover

June 16, 2024

Ep. 230 - (BPJ #86) Setting a Table for Two #1.

(BPJ #86). Setting a Table for Two #1. marriage is improved when realizing it's about healthy self-awareness; our roles in Hashem's plan in our...



Episode cover

June 09, 2024

Ep. 229 - (LO #19) Life Lesson #19.

(LO #19). Life Lesson #19. pure gold shines brightly; unity; no sin is intentional; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or...

