Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

August 11, 2024

Ep. 246 - (BPJ #90) Setting a Table for Two #5.

(BPJ #90). Setting a Table for Two #5. the legs that hold up the table; 1 accept the basic unchangeable facts of your life;...



Episode cover

August 07, 2024

Ep. 245 - (EX #34) Kesher Nafshi Presents: Crisis Chinuch Panel Rabbi Shimon Russel and Rabbi YY Jacobson - PART 2. (Kesher Nafshi)

(EX #34). Kesher Nafshi Presents: Crisis Chinuch Panel Rabbi Shimon Russel and Rabbi YY Jacobson - PART 2. shiezoli If you have kids, you...



Episode cover

August 04, 2024

Ep. 244 - (EX #33) Kesher Nafshi Presents: Crisis Chinuch Panel Rabbi Shimon Russel and Rabbi YY Jacobson - PART 1. (Kesher Nafshi)

(EX #33). Kesher Nafshi Presents: Crisis Chinuch Panel Rabbi Shimon Russel and Rabbi YY Jacobson - PART 1. shiezoli If you have kids, you...



Episode cover

July 31, 2024

Ep. 243 - (LO #23) Life Lesson #23.

(LO #23). Life Lesson #23. daven for deep and healthy friendships; set an great example to your children and others by your good behaviors;...



Episode cover

July 28, 2024

Ep. 242 - (LO #22) Life Lesson #22.

(LO #22). Life Lesson #22. requesting from Hashem the wisdom to protect ourselves from the unhealthy pleasures and traps of this world; to align...



Episode cover

July 24, 2024

Ep. 241 - (BPW #79) Respect your husband's right to complain; not labeling; speak in a calm quiet tone.

(BPW #79). respect your husband's right to complain; not labeling; speak in a calm quiet tone; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is...

