Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

February 02, 2023

Ep. 18 - (SB #257) Coping with typical solvable problems #3 (sex).

(SB #257).  There are numerous shiurim in the main SB groups that adresses the topic discussed in SBJ #7. Here is one of those...



Episode cover

February 02, 2023

Ep. 17 - (BPW #8) The beauty of beauty; healthy balanced interest in external is important in life and in Sholom Bayis.

(BPW #8).  the beauty of beauty; healthy balanced interest in external is important in life and in Sholom Bayis; Email address for feedback, questions,...



Episode cover

February 01, 2023

Ep. 16 - (BPJ #7) Being compassionate to the vulnerable risk to the one who initiates sex.

(BPJ #7).  being compassionate to the vulnerable risk to the one who initiates sex; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or...



Episode cover

February 01, 2023

Ep. 15 - (BPW #7) Marriage Secrets. Part #3.

(BPW#7).  Marriage Secrets. Part #3. the governor's wife-making husband priority #1; creating great sholom bayis; happier children, and your power of influence;   Email...



Episode cover

February 01, 2023

Ep. 14 - (BPJ #6) 4 habits of joy filled marriages. Part #2.

(BPJ #6).  4 habits of joy filled marriages. Part #2. why simcha can be difficult; learning ways to make it alot easier; Email address...



Episode cover

February 01, 2023

Ep. 13 - (BPW #6) why personal hygiene is extremely important in marriage and it a very high level of serving Hashem.

(BPW#6).  why personal hygiene is extremely important in marriage and it a very high level of serving Hashem; Email address for feedback, questions, and...

