Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

February 13, 2023

Ep. 54 - (EX #5) Orthodox Jewish Couple Responds to Questions on Love and Intimacy. (Rabbi Dovid Vigler & Mrs. Chana Vigler).

(EX #5).    Orthodox Jewish Couple Responds to Questions on Love and Intimacy Rabbi Dovid Vigler & Mrs. Chana Vigler Orthodox Jewish couple addressing questions...



Episode cover

February 13, 2023

Ep. 53 - (BPJ #24) Benefits of married sex; to work towards relaxing prior to it; working towards trust and feeling safe with one another to allow vulnerability and openness.

(BPJ #24).  benefits of married sex; to work towards relaxing prior to it; working towards trust and feeling safe with one another to allow...



Episode cover

February 13, 2023

Ep. 52 - (BPW #19a) Thoughts from Rav Cahan in regards to the topic of BPW #19.

(BPW# 19a).  Thoughts from Rav Cahan in regards to the topic of BPW #19; adressing challenges for frum women in the workplace and how...



Episode cover

February 13, 2023

Ep. 51 - (BPW #19) Healthy approach to marital intimacy. Part 2.

(BPW# 19).  Healthy approach to marital intimacy. Part 2. how physical intimacy in a marriage IS the very essence of tznius; healty perspective towards...



Ep. 50 - (EX #4) Anxiety - Out of the Shadows. (A Jewish Approach to Mental Health) Ep. 2.

February 13, 2023

Ep. 50 - (EX #4) Anxiety - Out of the Shadows. (A Jewish Approach to Mental Health) Ep. 2.

(EX #4).  Episode 2: Anxiety - Out of the Shadows (A Jewish Approach to Mental Health) A new monthly podcast Out of the Shadows:...



Episode cover

February 13, 2023

Ep. 49 - (BPJ #23) Emotional barriers to great physical intimacy and how to overcome it; not to neglect emotional connection and developing deep friendship, and respect.

(BPJ #23).  emotional barriers to great physical intimacy and how to overcome it; not to neglect emotional connection and developing deep friendship, and respect;...

