Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

February 28, 2023

Ep. 78 - (BPJ #33a) An insight from Rav Yehuda Cahan in regards to the shiur "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #7.

(BPJ #33a).  An insight from Rav Yehuda Cahan in regards to the shiur "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #7. Email address for feedback,...



Episode cover

February 28, 2023

Ep. 77 - (BPJ #33) "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #7.

(BPJ #33).  "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #7. Date #1: Lean on me. [Trust & Commitment] - Part 5; I admire your...



Episode cover

February 28, 2023

Ep. 76 - (BPW #28) Crucial importance of physical intimacy in marriage, combined with the emotional and spiritual; understanding men's deeper needs; not to allow misplaced "frumkeit" to suppress healthy physical intimacy.

(BPW# 28).  crucial importance of physical intimacy in marriage, combined with the emotional and spiritual; understanding men's deeper needs; not to allow misplaced "frumkeit"...



Episode cover

February 27, 2023

Ep. 75 - (EX #8) This shocked me: What rabbis know about sexuality and intimacy. (Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center).

(EX #8).  This shocked me: What rabbis know about sexuality and intimacy. Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center. Email address for feedback, questions,...



Episode cover

February 27, 2023

Ep. 74 - (BPJ #32) "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #6.

(BPJ #32).  "Eight Dates" by John/Julie Gottman. Part #6. Date #1: Lean on me. [Trust & Commitment] - Part 4; you have taught...



Episode cover

February 27, 2023

Ep. 73 - (BPW #27) Handling disagreements with love, care and respect, validating each others feelings creates a stronger bond of love between husband and wife.

(BPW# 27).  handling disagreements with love, care and respect, validating each others feelings creates a stronger bond of love between husband and wife;   Email...

