Bayis Pnimi [women]

In addition to the many public shiurim on Sholom bayis & life topics (, we are presenting here more personalized shiurim on intimacy & marriage topics with practical exercises for...more

Latest Episodes

Episode cover

January 31, 2024

Ep. 193 - (BPJ #63) Combining the 2 aspects of boundaries (walled off vs. boundaryless) and self-esteem (shame vs. grandiosity) to create 4 quadrants and to identify yourselves so as to self-correct.

(BPJ #63). combining the 2 aspects of boundaries (walled off vs. boundaryless) and self-esteem (shame vs. grandiosity) to create 4 quadrants and to identify...



Episode cover

January 28, 2024

Ep. 192 - (BPW #70) The beauty of the tents of Yaakov; how woman too needs to watch her eyes, and when she does, the bina yeseirah and spiritual aspect of her eyes open up.

(BPW #70). the beauty of the tents of Yaakov; how woman too needs to watch her eyes, and when she does, the bina yeseirah...



Episode cover

January 24, 2024

Ep. 191 - (EX #28) Taboo... (Rav Cahan)

(EX #28). Taboo... Insight from Rav. Cahan on EX # 28 Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out...



Episode cover

January 21, 2024

Ep. 190 - (BPJ #62) Boundaries; walled off vs. boundaryless, and skill to reach healthy middle road; real intimacy (both physical and emotional) can only be reached if a spouse attains this balance.

(BPJ #62). boundaries; walled off vs. boundaryless, and skill to reach healthy middle road; real intimacy (both physical and emotional) can only be reached...



Episode cover

January 17, 2024

Ep. 189 - (BPW #69) Moving from being a "sexual child" & "sexual adolescent" and move toward being a healthy "sexual adult" in marriage.

(BPW #69). moving from being a "sexual child" & "sexual adolescent" and move toward being a healthy "sexual adult" in marriage; Email address for...



Episode cover

January 14, 2024

Ep. 188 - (BPJ #61) One is blocked from being intimate with your spouse if you have excess grandiosity or shame; how to heal from these extremes and be in that middle healthy zone which will heal your marriage, and your love for each other will grow.

(BPJ #61). one is blocked from being intimate with your spouse if you have excess grandiosity or shame; how to heal from these extremes...

